Governor Signs Autonomous Friendly Bill

Governor Ron DeSantis signs the country’s most autonomous friendly law as State Senator Jeff Brandes and State Representative Jason Fischer look on.
Unmanned Starsky Robotics Truck Navigates Florida Expressway
Transport Topics, June 26, 2019
Automated truck technology startup Starsky Robotics successfully completed its first unmanned test drive on a public highway June 16. The Class 8 Volvo sleeper berth tractor-trailer traveled at 55 mph down a 9.4-mile stretch of Florida’s Turnpike in Orlando.
Governor Ron DeSantis Signs CS/HB 311: Autonomous Vehicles
Florida Trend, June 13, 2019
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed CS/HB 311: Autonomous Vehicles, which removes unnecessary obstacles that hinder the development of autonomous vehicle technology and solidifies Florida’s position as a leading state for transportation innovation. CS/HB 311 embraces the future of transportation by removing barriers to the advancement of autonomous vehicles and establishing a statewide statutory framework.
DeSantis should sign bipartisan infrastructure bill to improve state transportation system
South Florida Sun Sentinel, May 8, 2019
Fortunately, the Florida Legislature is doing what Washington, D.C., hasn’t done yet – move forward with bold plans on how to improve our transportation infrastructure. We ask Gov. Ron DeSantis to support this effort, and hope that those in our nation’s capital will follow Florida’s example.
Winners and losers emerging from the 2019 Legislative Session
Florida Politics, May 8, 2019
The Sunshine State is in the fast lane when it comes to embracing the emerging autonomous vehicle industry. 2019 saw the Legislature pass a bill making Florida quite possibly the most AV-friendly state in the union — HB 311 opens the door for automated ride-sharing platforms and gives the Florida Turnpike Enterprise the green light to fund and operate AV test facilities. And the Florida Chamber’s Autonomous Florida program was instrumental in helping get that framework into statute.
Sine Die: Florida Chamber praises policies to keep state competitive
South Florida Politics, May 5, 2019
The Chamber also praised work done in prepping Florida for autonomous vehicles and other tech advances. “The Florida Chamber’s Autonomous Florida program helped secure victories modernizing the autonomous vehicle regulatory structure to help make Florida the most autonomous-friendly state in the union,” the release said.